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Q3-2022 Wrap Up and Review

This quarter's review has been like no other - because I went public with my process and led two retreats so others could join me in the Quarterly Retreat session.

In these workshops, I provided everyone with a special workbook created just for the Q4 Retreat and then we met on Zoom for up to five hours and worked on our workbooks. For the second iteration of this, we even did a one hour walk through session a couple of days in advance which was some of the most fun I've had geeking out about planning and reviewing in a very long time.

If you missed the workshop and would like to see the workbook and/or get on the mailing list to be notified of future workshops, please visit

The retreat kit is available as a pay what you want version and this iteration of the review session was offered at no cost. I will definitely be continuing this process in the future.

So, with all of that out of the way, let's get into my actual review.

Looking Back at Q3

In my wrap up post for the second quarter of 2022, I planned to do the following:

  • Continue delivering my minimum viable shipment of publications per week. My current goal is 1 video, 1 newsletter, a personal blog post, a business blog post, and at least one additional article on Medium/Hive. - Done in many weeks and have better processes around this

  • Develop and send my direct customer outreach for training. - Still not done :-(

  • Sign an average of two new contracts each month. - This actually did keep moving along well.

  • Redouble my efforts with Kona's training to prepare for our therapy assessment. - We've been pretty intermittent in training and need to keep redoubling.

  • Complete one course/learning program on Coursera - this had little progress in Q2 but I want to complete it in Q3. - Nope, but I did cancel my subscription to Coursera before being charged again.

  • Get a holiday photo shoot scheduled for Kona and I so we can do holiday cards again this year. - DONE!

  • Enjoy some rest and vacation time including a cruise on Disney's new ship - the Disney Wish - in September. - DONE!

  • I plan to "finish up" my bathrooms that I renovated several years back. They need a little touch up. - Made some progress here but still several more tasks that I need some help with.

  • Continue working on online course ideas including an email based course and the cohort based coaching program mentioned above. - DONE! I announced the release of the Facts of Life Book Course which officially begins January 1, 2023.

I'm truly happy with the progress made here.

My 12 Favorite Problems

As noted in my most recent post, I'll be sharing any notable updates to my 12 favorite problems in these quarterly reviews. Here they are again as a reminder:

  1. How can I develop greater stability in my business?

  2. How can I make my health and wellbeing a foundational part of my personal self care?

  3. How should I develop and deploy products that create passive income?

  4. How can I balance my time between cultivating meaningful relationships and meaningful work? (This question is borrowed from Joe Balcom because I liked it so much and it is so relevant to my life.)

  5. How can I continue to fill my world with ease and simplicity?

  6. How can I best support others as they develop into who they want to be when they grow up?

  7. How can I bring curiosity and creativity to other people's lives and to my own life?

  8. How can I better manage my attention and focus?

  9. How can I continue to improve my communication - specifically focusing on story telling ability - through writing, video, and other forms of media?

  10. How can I better honor my own need to connect to something bigger in the universe?

  11. What is my legacy and how do I ensure its resonance?

  12. How can I make sure my case isn't too full? How can I integrate more time for play and rest in my life?

No changes to these at this time. They still feel very appropriate to me. That said, I am reordering them a bit to show myself a little better how they fit together. Here is that reordering:

  1. How can I continue to fill my world with ease and simplicity?

  2. How can I make my health and wellbeing a foundational part of my personal self care?

  3. How can I make sure my case isn't too full? How can I integrate more time for play and rest in my life?

  4. How can I better honor my own need to connect to something bigger in the universe?

  5. What is my legacy and how do I ensure its resonance?

  6. How can I better manage my attention and focus?

  7. How can I continue to improve my communication - specifically focusing on story telling ability - through writing, video, and other forms of media?

  8. How can I bring curiosity and creativity to other people's lives and to my own life?

  9. How can I develop greater stability in my business?

  10. How should I develop and deploy products that create passive income?

  11. How can I best support others as they develop into who they want to be when they grow up?

  12. How can I balance my time between cultivating meaningful relationships and meaningful work? (This question is borrowed from Joe Balcom because I liked it so much and it is so relevant to my life.)

What are the plans for Q4?

Now it's time to decide what I'm taking forward into Q4 with me. Here is what I have planned:

  • Prepare for a successful Facts of Life Book course and community launch

  • Develop a regular bedtime ritual and prioritize getting at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

  • Host Thanksgiving with my family at my house and enjoy the Holiday season fully

  • Continue publishing on a regular routine

  • Fully embrace the two online courses I am taking (AP Productivity and Linking Your Thinking) and do some work in LinkedIn Learning

  • Plan some travels for 2023 including trips with my Aunt and my Dad and my bestie's milestone birthday.

  • Prepare for the 2023 reviews and begin selling access to these

  • Make plans for/begin releasing podcast

  • Continue to work on business development & bringing in new clients. Engage in at least two business development activities per month.

  • Maybe write a book??


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